Support our performance!
If you are an individual, you can support the association’s activities by redirecting 2% of the global income tax (according to art. 57, paragraph (4) of the 571/2003 bill regarding the Tax Code).
Download and fill the 230 Form (if in 2016 your only incomes were from salaries) or the 200 Form with instructions (if you have other income in 2016 – salaries and independent activities or only independent activities) and submit it to the National Fiscal Administration Agency, of which you belong until the 25th of May, 2017 (the form can be directly submitted or through mail, with a recommended letter with reception confirmation)
The sum corresponding to the 2% of your income tax will be calculated and completed by the fiscal authorities.
Cum are forms submitted?
(1) scan them and send them to:;
(2) send them through mail at the association address: Craiovei street, no.92, Pitesti, Arges county;
(3) personally submit them to the Financial Administration that you belong.
It is essential that the 230 Form or the 200 Form must be submitted to the Financial Administration, either by us or you until the 25th of May.
You can download the forms here:
If you have collected more statements, you can send them to us through mail, and we will share them.
The form can also be submitted online, through the ANAF “Virtual private space” service, available at ANAF Individual Registration.
In order to request help in filling the forms, call us at 0761041218.
2. Legal entities
Any company’s CORPORATE TAX can be redirected in order to support our projects, without any extra costs. In order for the redirected sum to be retracted from the corporate tax regarding the current fiscal year, it cannot be more than 3 per thousand from the fiscal value, and the payments must be done until the 31st of December.
Extracted from the Fiscal Code Title 2, Chap. II, article 21, paragraph (4) –
“THE FISCAL CODE from the 22nd of December 2003 (Bill no. 571/2003)
CHAPTER II: Taxable profit calculation
Art. 21: Payments
(4) The following payments are not taxable:
p) sponsorship and/or patronage payments and private scholarship payments, according to the law; contributors that pay sponsorship and/or patronage acts, according to the Bill no. 32/1994 regarding sponsorship, with ulterior modifications, and Bill no. 334/2002, republished, with ulterior modifications and completions, as well as those who offer private scholarship according to the law, have the following minimum corporate tax sums:
3 ‰ from the fiscal value;
20% from the owed corporate tax.