A protected unit is a social-economic entity, known in Europe as a Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE), or a professional insertion enterprise.

The protected units in associations have a special status. These protected units can intermediate products and services.

Our protected unit has as its main objective the professional integration of handicapped people in the labor market. (The integration is made on the free labor market), inside some protected workshops.

Inside a protected unit, at least 30% of the total number of employees with an individual work contract are people with disabilities.
For a company, it is important to take into account the fact that its purchases from a protected unit will have a beneficial impact on its public image.

The advantages of collaborating with a protected unit
Employers with more than 50 employees that don’t wish to employ people with disabilities, can choose the alternatives provided by the 448/2006 act, ART. 78 (modified through OU 86/2008):
1. To pay an amount representing 50% of the main gross national minimum wage, multiplied with the number of jobs without disabled people monthly, to the state budget;
2. To purchase products and services made by handicapped people employed in authorized protected units, based on a partnership, in the sum equivalent to the one owed to the state budget, in the conditions mentioned in lit. a)
You can calculate this sum if you multiply the total employee number by 19 RON.
Direct advantage: instead of paying a monthly amount to the state budget, with this amount you can purchase goods and services that you need (and that you can also buy from the free market anyway) from a Protected Unit.
The legal basis on which the First Steps to Performance protected unity functioning mechanism is reported:

Authorized protected unit legislation.

⦁ The 448 / 2006 act, republished;
⦁ HG 268 / 2007, the methodological norms of applying the 448 act;
⦁ OUG 86 / 2008, of modifying the 448 act;
⦁ Order 590 / 2008 regarding the approbation of Instructions for applying art.78 from the 448 / 2006 act;

Autorizatie de functionare

